BitMEX Copy Trading

In simple words, the copy trading strategy is for those, who want to trade, but do not want to do it themselves. For example, you are not yet an experienced enough trader, so you are afraid of making mistakes at your first steps, or you are so busy that you don't have time to figure out how it all works. So all you need to do is to choose a trader who you think is successful and start copying his deals in order to make the same profit as he did.

copy trading

To summarize, to use a copy-trading strategy, you need to follow two simple steps:

  • Choose a trader whose strategy you want to copy.

  • Start the copy-trading process and make a profit.

Of course, copy trading, just like regular trading, involves risks. But choosing the right trader can save you from them - so this is exactly the step you should not rush into. Take a close look at recent transactions of your trader, and also read what people write about him on cryptocurrency forums - this will give you at least some information that will allow you to be sure of your choice.

What is indusCrypto?

For your convenience in using crypto copy trading, we have developed a platform that meets all the requirements necessary for convenient and successful work. Not without reason, indusCrypto has already been used by many users and the number is still increasing. Besides the copy trading function, the platform has many tools for automated trading - for example, you can use a crypto bot trading to do almost everything for you. Or you can use our knowledge base to get the missing information you need to trade on your own.

How to copy-trade on BitMEX

BitMEX was founded in 2014 and today is one of the leaders in trading volume. A number of factors have helped it achieve such results:

If you want to use a copy trading strategy from BitMEX to indusCrypto, you need to take a few simple steps.

  • Usability.

  • Trading conditions.

  • API functionality.

  • Excellent user support.

  • Multi-language Interface.

In addition, the company is run by people with more than 40 years of experience in the financial and exchange trading industry.

The interface of the exchange, especially for beginners, may seem complicated at first. But considering the flexibility of its settings, it is, on the contrary, an advantage, which becomes apparent over time. It is not unreasonable to say that the exchanger has a high level of security and has not yet been hacked. If you are going to work with this exchange, you should keep in mind that despite the fact that BitMEX offers deals for various cryptocurrencies, the site only works with Bitcoin. Therefore, deposits and withdrawals are made only in this cryptocurrency.

Taking advantage of the experience of professionals from the BitMEX exchange and starting BitMEX copy trading is very simple - you just need to connect your account created on BitMEX to your account on the indusCrypto platform. This is done via API and it does not cause any difficulties. Go to your personal cabinet of the exchange and copy the generated secret key, which you then add to your indusCrypto profile. Right after that you can start copy trading BitMEX - select a trader you think is successful and click Follow. This completes the setup and you can see the results of all his trades in your account.

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